Little Creek Electronics (LCE) is a full service Industrial Electronic Repair facility located in Greensboro, North Carolina. Our main mission is to support the industry with the finest electronic repair services. LCE was founded in 1999 by a group of electronic technicians with the idea of “doing it better than anyone else."
And we have succeeded!
LCE offers unmatched customer service as well as top quality repairs and on-site field service. Our Parts department has tens of thousands of line items waiting on the shelves, to minimize your wait time. And speaking of wait time, LCE offers a RUSH service which won't break the bank. Our RUSH service is designed primarily to pay for expedient shipping, not to punish you for needing your unit returned quickly, as are those who charge a minimum charge or a percentage of the repair “ whichever is greater."
Little Creek Electronics' goal is to keep you running and we'll do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.